I feel like taking a break from my Internet programming course...
Let's forget about the SMPT/MIME/TCP/IP/Java Swing...
And enter a (future) prgrammer's daily menu...=P
So erm...I started my preparation since last night...defroze the meat...
Here's the meat~
(With Photoshop I was able to make it (looks) fresh...though it had been in the fridge over 6 months...ewww)
Then it's the ginger...slice them into thin pieces...
I know some people do not like the taste of ginger...
But I don't have any better suggestions...or maybe black pepper?
Cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces...well...that really depends on the size of the tomatoes...
Basically the pieces of tomatoes should be a bit bigger than bite-size...
Or they could be any shapes you want...
And don't forget sweet corns...
I love them...they are the soul (?!) of the soup...
Let's show a reunion of the soup base...
And they are ready to be cooked...XD
Put cold water in the soup pot...put meat and ginger into the cold water...
Too little water...and I also need those corns in...
Cover with the lid...turn the heat to median-high...and...start waiting~
Time to clean up the floating things...are those proteins or fats?!
So...before vs. after...
Sorry if the "before" picture destroy someone's appertite...
After around an hour, go back to you pot from gaming or youtube videos or facebook or AIM...
And you can put in those tomatoes now...(finally)
Let it cook for another 20 minutes...the soup will start turning into some delicious orange color...
Do not cook too long with the tomatoes otherwise they are going to dissolve...=(
And...here we go!
Finished...(wondering why the soup water level is so low?...because I took my serve before taking this picture~)
In addition, mix vege stir fry with chicken breast...
Plus a bowl rice and some fresh grapes...that made my brunchinner!
Thanks for watching~Enjoy~