I can foresee how messy this entry will be...but that's fine...
I am trying to write things down before my brain is out of memory...

One thing that really annoys me is I realized I have some disabilities...
It's hard for me to remember names and faces...
I met my freshmen roomie couple days ago...she was walking pass by and suddenly...
Oh...it's nice to meet her again...we have not seen each other for at least one semester...
Then was the "how are you doing" thing...
Then she asked "do you remeber my name?"
Oh My God!
I was "blank" at the time...and I couldn't find the name in my mind...
If you are watching American Next Top Model Cycle 13...then I was like Nicole in the bug sound background...
I was so embarrasssed...and I felt sorry...
"Sorry Janet!"
Another example of the "recognizing names and faces" disability is today...when I met two friends in Walmart...
We were again "how are you doing" blah blah blah...
Then after I went home...I can't pull their names from my brain...
Is the guy's name "Simon" or "Smith" or ... "Steve"?
Okay the correct answer is "Samuel"...according to facebook...
And the other girl's name is Cindy...and I keep looping around the name "Cici"...
What's wrong with me...
"erm..." & "hmm..." & "umm..."

For the face part...I will always relate two people with recognizable different looks together...
And the worst thing about this is...I am not able to tell who's who...
They are twins according to my eyes...or my brain...
I guess I cannot blame the monitor if the CPU is not generating the correct result...
Okay, as I mentioned before...I went to Walmart today...
So I decided to get myself a coconut!
I want some coconut chicken soup so badly since last time in Walmart...
I called my boyfriend and asked him if I don't have chicken then will ribs match the coconut...
And he said "no" so I didn't get one...
Well...today's experiment with the coconut tells me to never try that ever again...
The story of the coconut began with a screw driver, which was used to make holes on the coconut...
Since I tried to make the coconut chicken soup, I need the coconut juice inside...
After trying to open it with a knife, a bigger knife, and a wooden cutting board...the hardness of the coconut shell is well proved...
Then I tried to dig a hole on the shell by again, a knife, then a bigger knife...chopstick was used when I was out of my mind...
Finally through "Baidu" - the chinese search engine - I learned a screw driver may apply to make the holes...
So I did that...but I could only make one hole...which means I need to shake the coconut juice out...instead of letting it drain...
After that I went for a bigger challenge - open the coconut to get the inside...
Again again I tried with a knife, then a bigger knife, then the cutting board...
I actually slammed it on the floor to see if it breaks...but I failed...
At the end, I made a crazy decision...
I went out...it was raining...and I throw it to the ground from second floor...
Finally! It broke into pieces!!
I was screaming and laughing and I ran into the rain in my shorts to pick up those coconut pieces...
Woohoo! Mission accomplished!!!

Back to the time I was in Walmart...and I met my friends...
"You looked tired"
I am not surprised to hear this comment again...well that's life but I actually enjoy it...besides the research part...
And they told me there was a Karaoke competition a week ago, which reminded them the Karaoke competition I attended years ago...
They were like "if you go to another competition you have to let us know and we will be there as you super fans"...
That's really cool! Thanks guys!
If I went to Walmart, that means I must also went to TJMaxx...
I got the green tea body butter...finally!
And I got two of those...so fafa if you want one of them I can give one to you as Thanksgiving or Xmas gift...XD
They are not body lotion or body cream...I guess you can apply body butter to any parts of your body...but it works better for the driest skin...
But for the product I bought...it's not about how moisturizing it is - though it's an important fact - it's all about it's smell...
I tried some on my hands and they just smell so great and made me keep putting my hands on my face...
And the smell last really long...

Other than the body butter, I got some nice clothes for myself...
I know my closet is full...but I think adding two is fine...
I always want a nice zip-up sweat shirt...the one I got today is much better than want I want...it has a knitted hood!
And it's so soft and warm when I put it on...although it's from Walmart, it's nicely designed and it only costs me $14...so whatever...
The other one is another thing I always want...plaid long shirt...
Girls in this fall are wearing plaid long shirt with tights/jeans all the time...I really like that look...
These are both from Walmart...which reminds me what Nadia said last semester when she got a cute tank top from the children section...
"Walmart does have some wearable clothes!"
LOL...I found that every entertaining to hear...and it applies truely as well...
Actually, I still want a grey sweat shirt...but the grey color one does not come with the small size...
I just realized I am still a color-blue-fan...I have so many blue clothes in my closet...even without the count of jeans...

If this is too long...I apologize...I am too lazy to separate this entry into two or more...plus it's all about random things anyway...
Why bother to make another random entry...
There was a cool event on this Thursday...Marine/US Army was on campus and offering free helicopter rides to faculties and students...
It sounds really excited and when I got the email from Eileen during my Algorithm class, I can't wait till the end of the class...
Plus the TA was not fun at all...I don't think he knows the stuff and he just throwing points back to people during the discussion...
Alright so finally the TA said "that's all for today" and I immediately grabbed my bag and ran out...
I ran all the way to East Gym and made three phone calls to my boyfriend, my bro, and fafa...fafa you didn't pick up my phone...D=
What I saw after I got there was a long line with tons of human beings...all excited to be on the helicopter...
The fact is about 30% of those who were waiting for the helicopter actually made it...
And I was not in the lucky zone...the last ride was done when I am in the first 10 of the line...
I felt like that was the slowest but tirest marathon I had ever have...(if I had ever been in a marathon)
I "ran" about 200 feets in 4 hrs...with the cold air and empty stomach and sour legs...
Pyschologically...I ran even further...with all the ups and downs...hopes and dissapointments...
And realized how bad people can be when they want something really bad...
The helicopter can take 3 people at a time, for a ride about 5 to 10 minutes...
If there's a group of two, then the next single person waiting on the line might get on with the group, skipping all the groups before him/her...
So there was a girl who were behind a huge group of six, and she went up to join the group of two when they asked while waiting...
There were about 20ish people before them, and only half an hour left...
So the group of six started to complain...saying the girl was cutting the line and she shouldn't do that...
The girl defensed herself by saying "you guys are in groups and not going to go anyways"
Then the group fought back "we can break into smaller groups and go, but you should be back to where you were and stop cutting line"
The girl was like "I am in a group of three already, and we will go as a group"
The group said "you are just making excuses to cut the line...behave yourself!"
The girl got mad and responded "don't make yourself look high when you also want it so bad"
And on and on and on...
At the end none of them got on the plane...so...they kinda entertained me while I was feeling bord...=D
The good thing is, we all got a card with the captain's signature, which can be used for the next similar event...
With the card we can go to the beginning of the line and straight on the helicopter, and we get longer rides...
That's what they call "for your dedication...aka your desperation"...
LOL...here's the card...priceless!

Okay I swear this is going to be the last part if I do not find anything left to say after finished writing this...
This week is totally a long week...I had an interview with KPMG on Tuesday and that felt like a week ago already...
I found the KPMG recruiters are much friendly than those in Bloomberg...It might be the difference of the functionalities of different companies...
Or it could be just me...I admit I did really bad the day I had the Bloomberg interview...I messed it up horribly...
Or maybe it's just the fact that a dress is much more favorable than pants?
Yea I wore dress that day...

The interviewer, Bill, a cute guy with my favorite blue eyes...(haha someone was thought to have blue eyes also...coincident?)
Basically the interview was a nice half an hour talk with Bill...and I think he was amazed by my performance in college...
Or he just amazed by how big my black circles are and make a connection to my excellence in my academic works...
Anyway, it was cool and relaxing...phew~
I happened to brought a pair of boots for my regular day time and a pair of heels for the interview...
I met Jon in the hallway and we talked for couple minutes and when I need to run for class, I took off my heels and put on the boots...
He was surprised and asked "you brought two pairs of shoes to school?"
I said "yea...one for comfort walking and one for interview...PS I was the most non-business like person in the interview...everyone was in suits..."
"If they are going to judge you by how you look then it's probably not the company you want to get in..."
And..."when I got billions of dollars I will hire you and make you the boss of Amir"...Jon said that seriously...
Well thanks but I just want Amir disappear from my life if he still reject to grow up and be mature...
Oh by the way, when I talked to Professor Steflik, he comment my English as "I don't think you have any accents at all"...
I was so happy to hear that and I started to throw in my accent into the conversation...=P
And he also recognized my naturally born black circles...but he thought that was tatooed makeup...hmm...interesting...
Lastly, my "professional dress" look for the KPMG interview...
