
...某猫情人节献礼(献丑?)...翻唱Kokia的ありがとう(左) 和 Kina Grannis的Valentine(右)...

Sunday, August 5

I am such a dependent girl...>.<

Still not able to get my "Chinese writing sense"...I know it's bullshit...= =

Just argued with a stupid asshole woman who totoally DO NOT understand how powerful can the culture of American do to a Chinese immigrant like me...No one can expect keeping the same (or even better) language level as one did before...I just suck at both languages now...

Well, now the best thing I can do is to balance the skills of both language...reading newspaper and other "funky" stuffs in both languages kinda help...But psychologically, I just CAN NOT do well when facing that bullshit woman...she's annoying, stupid, selfish...overall, she just a NO-NO-Nothing in this do I, but I am better tho...: P

I am still dependent on a lot of things. I try to stay close to my bro coz I dont wanna stay at home...Isn't that means I am too dependent on my bro...on the other hand, I still cannot pay EVERYTHING by myself...yet...I took a $3500 loan this year on a 2.5% interest rate (not that bad...= =)...but there's always something that I CAN NOT cover...feeling bad about myself....

I am the only one who can plan the future...Not anyone else!

Still thinking about double major...Sounds crazy but challenge...Still wondering between two choices: 5yr BS engineering & MBA OR 4/5yr double major engineering & business...

Someone asked about my dream: design. I told her that a dream can be achieved thru many different ways: I might be working after I graduated from college, then when I made enough $$$$$ (at least good for 2-3 years living), I will go on a vacation and learn/do whatever I wanted to learn/do...but as of now, it's still a dream...= =

Going to Binghamton in a few days~~NEW LIFE IS WAITING FOR ME!!!!!!


To dada:

Congra! Penn state is a great school too!! Hope I can have time to visit U there~~


To fafa:

Damn..........I will be missing U for a looooooooong some room for me when u r with ur darling...


Good nite guys!!



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